The Akron Press Club invites you to celebrate the “Year of the Snake” with a scrumptious, bountiful feast for club members and guests. This Press Club tradition continues at the China Gourmet…
David Lieberth will speak at the Akron Press Club’s luncheon on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the University of Akron’s Martin Center, about "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Local Government." There…
If you missed PolitiFact Ohio editor Robert Higgs at the Akron Press Club Nov. 29, you can see the complete program by going here Thanks to AkronBuzz for the video. You can like them on…
The Akron Press Club annual book sale will be Saturday, Nov. 3, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Martin University Center, 105 Fir Hill, University of Akron. Free parking is available. Most of the items are…
Robert Higgs, PolitiFact Ohio editor and deputy metro editor of the Plain Dealer, will speak Thursday, Nov. 29 at the Akron Press Club at the University of Akron’s Martin Center. There will be the…
A video of the Sept. 13 political panel discussion is available. The lively discussion by Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, and longtime political…
The lunch scheduled for Oct. 11 has been canceled. We regret any inconvenience that this cancellation may have caused.
Gary E. Knell, the president and CEO of National Public Radio, will speak to the Akron Press Club luncheon on Sept. 27. His topic is the role of public media in a democracy. This event will be held…
The entire political world is watching Ohio as we head into the November presidential election. And we're inviting you to watch back and participate with the help of experts from both parties and…
The Akron Press Club luncheon series speaker lineup for September and October includes a political panel, the president and CEO of National Public Radio and the lead anchor for WKYC Channel 3 in…